Tuesday, January 24, 2012


lets talk about inspiration. It can come from many places and take many different forms. Sometimes you could just be driving down the road see something that maybe you had never noticed on a road that you have been on hundreds of times, yet BAM it pops out at you. This happens to me quite often, I get some of my best ideas for writing from things I see. Like the other day, I was at the store and saw some journals, and thought "this book I'm writing would be better if I do it as if it was a journal instead of just some one telling the story." So I went through, changed some stuff, and I think my story flows so much better now.

Also I know some people like me write better when they have certain things. Like for me, I can get more done when I have a Dr. Pepper refill sitting in front of me, and music. You give me those two things and the writing just flows from my mind to the paper. Take those away and I have trouble thinking straight, and it takes long to say what I want.

What inspires you when doing something creative?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The wonderful world of literature

Let me tell you a little about what I plan on doing with this little blog of mine. Once a week I will be giving updates about the book I am currently working on, and once a week I will come up with a fun little topic for us all to have a nice friendly discussion about that has to do with literature.

But for today let me let you in on a few things about me that you may or may not know. When I was a kid I wasn't all that much into books, I was more video games and movies. It wasn't until about JR High that I really began to read. The first book that I can remember reading is "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton. I remember after I read it that I started to think about writing myself. For some one to be able to to put into words what so many kids go through like that, the hardships of growing up and realizing that things aren't the way you always thought they would be. I just wanted to do that, I want to inspire others to do what they want, like she did for me. After I read that book I had to read more of her work, and I read almost all of them. After finishing each one it made me want to become a writer even more, but I let my life go down a road where I didn't even really think that much about writing, but it was always in the back of my head.

Finally when I was in high school I started a book called "Speed Demon". I had almost had it completed when some how the notebook I was writing it in got lost 3 years later. Yeah I know a long time to take to read a book, but I wasn't writing everyday like I have been trying to lately. I was out doing stuff with my friends or, once again, playing video games. Those things where cool to the people that I hung out with, so I wanted to do it too. Don't get me wrong I still like games, but I'd much rather work on my writing.

After I lost that notebook with everything in it I let my self get discouraged and kind of just quit writing all together. But only for a few years there, that is when the book that I am writing now started to come to me. Once it started to fill my head with something that I had, well have, a great feeling for it never left. And now I am finally getting down to business and get things done.

well my friends that is all I have for now, I hope to see you all again next time.